Lodwar – May 17th, 2024

Turkana County’s new digital Energy Data Management System, aimed at improving data accessibility and transparency in the energy sector, has been officially handed over to the Directorate of Energy and Petroleum.

The handover of the web-based system, developed in conjunction with Kox Clouds and GIZ, included a three-day training session for 20 county government officers to manage it.

County Executive Audan Leah Lokala stated that the new system would significantly streamline access to vital energy data, thereby fostering investment and development in the region.

“This database on our department’s website will be invaluable for any partners or investors seeking to access Turkana County’s energy status,” said Lokala.

A representative from Kox Clouds, Wilfred Ayieko, mentioned that the organization worked closely with the Directorates of Energy and ICT.

“Last year, we successfully conducted comprehensive data collection, laying the groundwork for this system,” he said.

The ceremony also saw the formal handover of the user documentation for the new website. Key attendees included Chief Officer for Energy and Petroleum Triza Amoni, Deputy Director for Energy and Petroleum Geoffrey Eregae, and Principal Administrator Hosea Ameripus.

This new digital platform is expected to enhance efficiency and support the county’s energy management and planning efforts, ultimately contributing to Turkana’s sustainable development goals.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024