Letea – May 23, 2024

Residents of Tulabalany in Letea Ward, Turkana West Sub-county, have given their approval for the construction of a sand dam in the area by Team and Team International in partnership with County Government.

The initiative, funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), is a three-year program implemented by County Government and Team and Team International to provide a sustainable water supply for the community.

The project received support from the community following a consultative public engagement that included residents, local leaders, and representatives from both county and national governments.

During the public engagement, the County Executive for Water Services, Patrick Lokaimoe, represented by the Deputy Director for Water Services, Jackson Arigan.

CECM Lokaimoe highlighted that preliminary surveys had identified the area’s potential for a high-yielding subsurface water source capable of meeting the domestic and livestock needs of the community and support local health and education institutions.

“The sand dam will address immediate needs by providing a sustainable water source and, aligns perfectly with the governor’s agenda to promote universal water access through strategic partnerships,” said Lokaimoe.

The sand dam is expected to benefit over 500 households and possibly serve an additional 1,000 people during droughts, given its strategic location along the pastoralist migration route.

Following the community’s endorsement, Team and Team International is set to mobilise equipment immediately to begin the construction of the dam.

The project will transform the region, offering not only sustainable water access but also creating economic empowerment opportunities for local residents.

The project lead for Team and Team International, Leah Asami, emphasized the importance of the project in light of the impending impacts of climate change. She stressed the need for safe and reliable year-round water sources.

“Water security is crucial for community resilience, and a sand dam is an excellent solution,” Asami stated.

The Team and Team International’s sand dam was made possible under the initiative “Building Climate Resilient Water Supply Systems and Strengthening Water Security in Turkana West.”

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024