Lodwar – 28th May, 2024

First Lady Lillian Ekamais today led the celebrations to mark of International Menstrual Hygiene Day in Lodwar, themed “Together for a Friendly World.”

At the event, held at Lodwar Mixed Primary school, she distributed 2300 dignity kits, 2600 packets of disposal pads and 550 re-useable pads, and various other items donated by partners to support schoolgirls.

In her speech, First Lady Ekamais expressed concern over the increasing rate of teenage pregnancies, attributing it to irresponsible men exploiting vulnerable girls.

She urged parents to provide proper care and guidance to prevent school dropouts.

“It is importance to create awareness on gender equality and menstruation education as its negligence has led to infections among school-aged children,” she said.

She committed to collaborate with other stakeholders to promote menstrual hygiene across the county.

The First Lady acknowledged the support from partners and encouraged them to expand their efforts to meet all the needs of girls undergoing puberty.

She also called upon the partners to include boys in their strategies, so as to leave no one behind.

County Chief Officer for Preventive and Promotive Health, Cathra Abdi, regretted that stigma surrounding menstruation and a lack of sanitary pads had affected and forced girls to leave school.

She announced that her department would work with partners to provide sanitary towels and raise awareness on menstrual health hygiene among adolescent girls.

Lodwar Township MCA Ruth Kuya praised the NGOs partnering with the County Government to support menstrual hygiene.

She called for the inclusion of street children in the provision of school uniforms and sanitary kits.

The event was also attended by chief officers and directors.

The partners supporting the day with the kits were AHF Kenya, Concern Worldwide, Kenya Red Cross Society, USAID NAWIRI, KDII, Welthungerhilfe (WHH) Kenya and ADRA Kenya.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024