Lodwar, 29th May 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The Department of Gender and Youth Affairs, in partnership with the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA-Kenya), hosted a forum to address pressing issues related to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV).

The event brought together stakeholders from both county and national government to discuss and develop strategies for addressing these critical concerns affecting the local community.

Director for Legal Affairs Services, Ekai Nabenyo, led the discussions, focusing on gender policies, SRHR, and legal framework matters pertaining to GBV.

“Every policy undergoes thorough scrutiny, starting from the County Attorney’s office, moving through the county assembly and cabinet, and finally reaching the public,” said Nabenyo.

He emphasized the importance of collective commitment to enhancing gender equality and comprehensive policy engagement to mitigate GBV within the community.

Nabenyo highlighted the necessity of establishing effective frameworks and policies to combat issues such as child marriages, GBV, girls’ education, and teenage pregnancy.

“Robust policies will enable the government and its partners to address these critical issues effectively,” he said.

Deputy Director for Gender, Onderi Mollen, stressed the forum’s role in collaboratively exploring and formulating actionable strategies to ensure inclusive and effective adolescent-friendly services.

“This platform allows us to develop solutions tailored to our community’s unique challenges,” Mollen stated.

Gender Officer for ADRA-Kenya, Walter Mounde, praised the county government’s insights and expertise as invaluable for discussing SRHR matters and policies. He also emphasized the importance of medical examinations for GBV victims to ensure a just legal process.

Director for Resource Mobilisation and Partnerships Development, Raphael Logum, provided additional insights on resource mobilization, further enriching the discussions.

This collaborative effort marks a significant step towards addressing SRHR and SGBV issues in Turkana County, paving the way for enhanced gender equality and the protection of vulnerable community members.

The forum was attended by county gender officers and social protection officers.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024