Suguta, May 30 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

Turkana East Leadership has been in Kapedo town for two days, to inspect a number of facilities in the area in readiness to host the new administration for the Suguta Sub-county once launched.

Led by the area Member of Parliament, Nicholas Nixon Ngikor, the team has reported, “according to the preparations so far done, it is now clear, we are ready for the launch of Suguta Sub-county.”

This follows the gazette notice dated March 17 2022, when Suguta, Aroo, Lokiriama and Lokichoggio were established to form new sub-counties, in addition to the already existing seven in Turkana County. Lokichoggio was long commissioned in July, 2023.

Once Suguta Sub-county will be launched, that resonates well with Governor Lomorukai’s commitment to deliver county government services closer to the people.

Alongside the MP, County Chief Officers for Economic Planning, Ekale Samwel and David Maraka, for Administration and Disaster Management, Director Loter Stanley for Mining, Benjamin Lomeyen, Sub-county administrator and other administration officers were also present during the inspection exercise in Kapedo.

Similarly, the team, also took the opportunity to evaluate ongoing and planned projects for both County and National Governments in the area.

These assessments, Hon Ngikor said, are crucial for aligning the development initiatives with the needs and aspirations of the local communities.

In addition to this, the leaders actively engaged the community through a series of public barazas in Kapedo , Lomelo and Kamunge.

The fora provided a platform, Chief Ekale said, for open dialogue, ensuring the voices of the residents are heard and considered in the development process.

These engagements, all agreed, help to highlight the leaders’ commitment to enhance good governance and community participation in the decision-making processes.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024