Lodwar, May 30, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The Turkana County Government hosted officials from the African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES) at the county headquarters, led by Dr Benson Kenduiywo.

The meeting, hosted by Deputy Governor Dr John Erus, was attended by senior county officials, including County Secretary Peter Eripete.

The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, in collaboration with AGNES, is currently developing a Green Climate Fund (GCF) concept note titled “Enhancing Climate Resilience and Food Security to Empower Vulnerable Communities in Kenya.” This initiative focuses on Baringo, Kilifi, Narok, Turkana, and West Pokot counties.

The project aims to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities to climate shocks and improve food, water, and livelihood security.

The key objectives of the project include improving access to climate information and risk preparedness services against extreme climate events, upscaling the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices in crop and livestock farming systems, increasing investment and financing at the community level, and enhancing market access and climate-resilient value chains.

The Deputy Governor emphasized the importance of stakeholder engagement in building climate resilience.

“A regional engagement framework is what we envisioned as a county government. We need mechanisms for collaboration, such as a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) facilitated through our county attorney. We greatly appreciate the critical role of research in informing interventions and data-driven decision-making,” stated Dr Erus.

The County Secretary highlighted the significance of the initiative as a pivotal entry point for addressing climate change.

He suggested the need for AGNES to involve other relevant ministries, such as the Livestock Department, to ensure a comprehensive and well-coordinated approach.

“A resource-sharing agreement should be designed to provide sustainable solutions, ensuring that the Turkana people can continue to live and thrive in their own land,” he said.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024