Kakuma, 1st June, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The Water Department in Turkana West, led by Sub County Water Engineer Emmanuel Echapan, is currently assessing eight boreholes destroyed by recent floods to determine repair and rehabilitation needs.

This assessment is part of ongoing county efforts to restore normalcy in water supply following the heavy rains and subsequent floods that damaged water infrastructure in Turkana.

According to Patrick Losike Lokaimoe, the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Water Services, the joint efforts in Turkana West by the County and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) target eight boreholes serving more than 20,000 people, including those in Lokichoggio Sub County.

“Our technical team is on the ground, and their assessment will guide the rehabilitation and repair of the affected boreholes,” said Lokaimoe.

The CECM added that the aim was to restore the functionality of the vital water sources.

This intervention follows the department’s successful reinstallation of water supplies in Kanamkemer and Kalokol Wards, where four new boreholes were drilled and equipped to replace those swept away by the floods.

Lokaimoe emphasized that all sub-counties would benefit from the flood disaster response and called on partners to support the county’s efforts to address the widespread damage to water infrastructure.

“APaD in partnership with DRC funded by SIDA (swedish international Development cooperation Agency will assist in rehabilitating the eight boreholes, including repairs and upgrading hand pumps to solar,” Lokaimoe explained.

Sub County Water Engineer Emmanuel Echapan confirmed that the actual work would take place between June and December.

A county report on the recent floods revealed that eight boreholes were destroyed across the County, reversing gains in improving water access.

In Turkana Central, the main water supply line for Kanamkemer, with an hourly yield of 80 cubic meters, was swept away by the River Turkwel.

Similarly, Kalokol’s water supply was disrupted by the River Nakeria’s flooding.

The CECM appreciated the input of partners working under the County WASH forum, and said that their works had enabled the County Government scale up water provision.

The intervention comes at a time when the Water rapid response team in Turkana West has re-installed the broken down Nakoyo borehole in partnership with UNHCR.

Besides, works by Team and Team International targeting to put a water pan at Tulabalany under the Building Climate Resilient Water Supply Systems and Strengthening Water Security in Turkana West, is also underway.

World vision is also engaging the Nawountous community for the construction of Kalobangia Water pan.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024