Lodwar – 2nd June, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

County Veterinary Officers have begun a mission to vaccinate and treat animals in Turkana East and those that have migrated to parts of Turkana South and Central.

The exercise, supported by Concern Worldwide, is the third phase of a vaccination campaign aiming to target 510,000 livestock. This will bring the total to 1.2 million livestock vaccinated by the end of the third phase.

The targeted livestock diseases include sheep and goat pox, contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP), peste des petits ruminants (PPR), mange, helminthiasis, and tick-borne diseases.

While launching the exercise, Chief Officer for Livestock Development Dr. Ezekiel Etelej stated that the vaccination exercise was a proactive measure by the County Government and Concern Worldwide to safeguard livestock and preserve the livelihoods of pastoralists.

“The launch of this extensive vaccination campaign marks a pivotal moment in the County’s ongoing mission to secure the health and realize the value of livestock,” he said.

CCO Etelej also emphasized the need for teams to re-energize their efforts to reach the last mile by working closely with team leaders and community disease reporters (CDRs), which he said is important for maximum results.

He further added that the main objective of the vaccination is to increase productivity in the livestock sector through disease prevention. He highlighted the need to integrate extension services during the vaccination exercise to enhance the capacity of pastoralists.

He revealed that Sh17 million has been invested in the exercise jointly with Concern Worldwide to prevent the spread of diseases through the provision of veterinary supplies and logistical support.

Concern Worldwide Program Manager Golicha Dima appreciated the County Government for its support of the project and called for close collaboration to achieve the targeted results.

He further called for strengthening livestock development in the County through adequate financing, which he said will assist in safeguarding livelihoods in Turkana East and the County at large.

“Although the County has made significant progress in livestock development and production, there is a need to allocate more resources to support extension services,” Dima said.

He acknowledged the role of CDRs in reaching communities and highlighted the need to support them as a complement to veterinary officers in extension services.

As part of efforts to safeguard livestock health, the CCO also presided over the launch of the Turkana County Veterinary Handbook, published with support from Concern Worldwide, which will serve as an information guide for Veterinary officers in the field.

“This handbook showcases the County’s steadfast commitment to building the immunity of animals, thus boosting the value of the livestock,” he said.

The vet officers, divided into eight teams, will traverse the areas of Turkana East, South, and Central Sub-Counties for 21 days conducting vaccination, deworming, and supportive treatment.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024