Lokichar, June 10, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

Residents of Lokichar in Turkana South and Nakukulas in Turkana East are set to receive title deeds for community land by the end of July 2024, County Director of Lands Survey, Joseph Egiron, has revealed.

The Director revealed this after leading a team of technical staff from the County Directorates from Lands, Housing, Public Works, and Urban Areas Management in undertaking survey of Community Lands in Turkana South and Turkana East.

The survey team also had officers drawn from the National Government Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) supported the initiative through its partnership with the County under the five years Digital Land Governance Program.

The initiative, according to Director Egiron, aligns with the Community Land Act of 2016 and the County’s goal to ensure all land in Turkana is properly surveyed, mapped, and titled.

“The exercise is part of H.E Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai commitment to secure land tenure for the residents of Turkana. The County is working closely with the National Government’s surveyors responsible for Community Land Adjudication,” said Egiron.

The survey comes at a time when Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Lands has issued a notice of intention to survey, demarcate, and register community land nationwide to pave way for issuance of title deeds for community lands by June 2024. The pronouncement was made on February 13, 2024.

“The successful completion of this initiative will also facilitate the issuance of separate title deeds for shared public utilities, such as schools and health facilities,” Egiron added.

According to Director Egiron, County’s collaboration with FAO through the Digital Land Governance Program, will assist in securing land tenure for the residents, which is essential for empowering communities to engage in productive activities leading to food security and better nutrition outcomes.

County Land Adjudication and Settlement Officer, Vincent Agevi, along with a team of surveyors from both the National and County Governments accompanied Director Egiron during the exercise which also included engagement of the public and lands survey.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024