Lokichar – 21 June, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

In a bid to ensure the availability of essential medicines and medical supplies (EMMS) across all 282 health facilities in Turkana County, health commodities stakeholders have come together to strengthen the supply chain system.

During the quarterly County Security Commodity Technical Working Group meeting, stakeholders reviewed stock status across sub-counties and identified gaps in the supply chain for EMMS and program commodities. Dr David Moru, Director of the County Directorate of Health Products and Technologies (HPTs), emphasized the importance of a strong supply chain system to make commodities accessible and affordable across all health facilities in the county.

“Let’s develop strategies to address budgetary gaps in the management of commodities at the facility and program levels,” said Dr Moru. The meeting aimed to address these budgetary gaps and ensure that commodities are available to those who require them.

Representatives from Tuberculosis and Laboratory programs, as well as Directorates of Community Health Services, Nutrition, and Monitoring and Evaluation, presented their stock levels and committed to enhance collaboration with the HPT Directorate. Paul Kare, Deputy Director of HPTs, stressed the need for constant monitoring of commodity consumption and rational use as part of system strengthening and the development of innovative situation-based solutions.

County Pharmacist, Dr Brian Muyokani, reported ongoing redistribution efforts to reduce stock-outs and expiries in various facilities. He also mentioned plans for improvements in the next ordering cycle.

The commitment by Turkana health stakeholders to strengthen the supply chain system is a significant step towards ensuring the availability of essential medicines and medical supplies across all health facilities in the county.

The meeting was attended by partner representatives from USAID Afya Ugavi, USAID Imarisha Jamii, and USAID NAWIRI, demonstrating a unified effort to enhance health commodity management in Turkana County.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024