Lorengippi, 29th June 2024 (Governor’s Press Service) – Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has announced that the County Department of Trade will train and capacity build residents on the formation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs).

SACCOs, Governor Lomorukai said, are an alternative source of livelihoods, especially for livestock traders, as they offer an opportunity to save money, take loans, and expand businesses.

The Governor while speaking today in Lorengippi during a fundraiser to support the Agete Women Group in Lokiriama Sub-County urged residents to join groups and form SACCOs, assuring them that the County Government, through the Biashara Fund, is committed to providing socioeconomic empowerment to registered business groups and individuals.

He however stated ammendments to the Biashara Act have delayed the disbursement of the County Government’s Biashara loans.
Governor Lomorukai further informed residents that the County Government had set aside Sh1.5 billion in the next financial year for the Ward Development Fund.

“The funds will be a game changer in development, as projects will be planned and identified at the ward level,” he said.
On peacebuilding, he stated that his administration had made efforts to address cross-border conflict through shuttle diplomacy with leaders in neighbouring East African countries.

He emphasized this commitment is part of his pre-election pledge to engage elected leaders from neighbouring countries to cement peaceful coexistence among communities at the border of Turkana, West Pokot counties as well as along the three international borders.

Lorengippi/Lokiriama MCA Lopayo Lomuria raised the alarm over alleged rising insecurity in the area and urged residents to report perpetrators to security agencies.
Chief Officers Peter Lomorukai (Lands) and Mark Achila (Roads), Chief of Staff Peter Loyapan as well as Imana Apenyu (Lokiriama Subcounty Administrator) accompanied the Governor.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024