Lokichoggio, 5th July, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The County Department of Health and Sanitation has increased sub-county community health services (CHS) focal persons from 7 to 12 to coordinate the delivery of Community health services in the five newly created sub-counties.

The five new focal persons for CHS will now be responsible for service provision to Lokiriama, Aroo, Suguta, Lokichoggio and parts of Turkana Central.

Addressing the team, County Chief Officer for Preventive and Promotive, Cathra Abdi described CHS as the backbone of service provision as envisioned by Governor’s agenda on health access.

Chief Abdi urge the team to take up the mentorship role designed to ensure that the community health assistants (CHAs) and community health promoter’s (CHPs) continuously offer immunization, antenatal care, nutrition education and maternal health services.

“Let’s ensure that we promote a healthy behaviour to our communities during household visits to intensify quality services delivery and reduce defaulters, ” chief officer Cathra Abdi added.

Director for CHS, Dr Joseph Lolepo urge the team to provide guidance and oversight to CHPs to ensure that the CHS indicators are continually improving.

“CHS leadership and governance is a key area that needs to be strengthen to ensure 100% CHS coverage,” he added.

Deputy Director for CHS, Jonathan Long’iti highlighted the importance of skilled CHAs and CHPs in addressing enhance health indicators.

The induction meeting was supported by Save the Children, Amref Health Africa in Kenya, DANIDA and Welthungerhilfe Kenya.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024