Lokichar, August 15, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The Directorate of Resource Mobilization, Partnerships, and Donor Coordination, in partnership with VNG International, organised a three-day workshop to discuss the Refugee Act of 2021. This meeting was moderated by Ekai Isaiah, Program Officer at VNG International.

The objective of this meeting was to understand the Refugee Act of 2021 and brainstorm various ways of integration, unpack how it can be domesticated to enhance service delivery to both the refugee and host communities.

While addressing the meeting, the Deputy Governor Dr John Erus stressed the need to work an elaborate economic plan for all public entities to improve all programs, ensuring sustainable development.

DG Erus also shared insights on the power of collaboration in development to avoid conflict between the host and refugee communities.

The Deputy Governor stated there’s a need for re-shaping and re-focusing effective policies such as the SHIRIKA plan and KISEDP to leverage strategic efforts to ensure long-term mechanised approaches that stimulate efforts to response and interventions.

The Deputy County Secretary, Joseph Nyang’a stated that all county executives and directors ought to domesticate this legal framework to formulate strategic policies in the implementation of the nine-point agenda and programs such as the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP).

This will foster uniformity in terms of representation and distribution of resources between the host and refugee community sustainability for example in resettlement opportunities to better their lives, impact education through scholarships, and procide job opportunities, and improve shared amenities.

The implementation of the Refugee Act of 2021 paves the way for enhanced international communication through integrated frameworks and linkages.

Enoch Mutai- Legal Officer at the Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK) said that the Refugee Act of 2021 is a comprehensive law of legislation. The government later created the Department of Refugee Service mandated to protect and project issues to do with the refugee and their existing environment.

The Director of Legal Services, Ekai Nabenyo, in the Office of the County Attorney advised that understanding The Refugee Act of 2021 is a national security issue for county government officials which calls for an attentive approach to matters of refugee and host communities integration and co-existence.

This workshop was attended by the Chief Officer, Office of the Deputy Governor, Robert Loyelei, and various directors from different directorates in the County Government of Turkana.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024