Lokiriama – August 22th, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The residents in Lokiriama Sub-county have asked the Turkana County Government to consider completing the stalled and ongoing projects in Lokiriama/Lorengippi and Loima Wards before embarking on new projects for the year.

They said this during the public participation of the County Annual Development Plan for FY’2025/2026. The residents who were among the special interest groups, civil society organisations and professionals said, the stalled projects have denied them of the services they would have benefited from.

Maria Alim, a 37-year old resident in Lopeduru village in Lokiriama, cited several ongoing projects; Lokiriama Revenue Centre, Lochoe-emeyan garden, and Kopeto Dispensary, construction of modern Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDCs) in Koono and Lokipetotarengan and model dispensary at Lochor Edopot.

However, she was pleased to that drilling and equipping of Lochwa Ilema borehole, installation of solar PVC system at Kalemunyang Dispensary and solarisation of Lochor-Aberu borehole were complete and in use.

Alim suggested the construction of new Lopeduru and Puch (ECDCs). At the same time, drilling and equipping of new Puch and Lopeduru boreholes were becoming necessary. She was also worried of community-based tourism resting shade and that were deferred to FY’2025/2026.

Although he echoed Alim’s sentiments on completion of many stalled and ongoing projects, James Edapal, a 35-year old who resides in Lorengippi lauded the County Government for completion of routine maintenance of solar PV system for Loima Boys Secondary School, plastering of Lodwat resettlement, drilling, pipping and solarisation of Lokiriama borehole and construction of Lokapirichit/Napakali water pan projects.

Edapal further added that the government should fast track the completion Loya, Lorengippi ECDCs, Nakatiyan, borehole and many ongoing projects in the area.

The Chief Officer for Economic Planning, Samuel Ekale remarks, “I promise to consider your concerns, and to bring to speed all incomplete and ongoing projects with a limited number of new ones in FY’ 2025/2026.’

He said pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 and 220 (2) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 as read together with section 126 (1)-(3) of the Public Finance Management Act 2012, the County Government of Turkana had put a notice on one of the national dailies inviting members of the public and other stakeholders to present their views and memoranda on the County Annual Development Plan for FY 2025-2026.

The exercise which involved 11 teams took place on 21st and 22nd August 2024, in all the 11 sub-counties across the Turkana.

Geoffrey Apedor (SCA Lokiriama), Patrick Imana (Director Administration-Water Services), Vitalis Ogombe (Deputy Director-Planning), Moses Loporon (Senior Economist), Ward and Village Administrators were present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024