Urum – 23rd August, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The County Government will distribute high-value seeds and farm equipment to farmers involved in the Nakwapua Irrigation Project and other areas, according to Chief Officer for Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Janerose Tioko.

She made these remarks during an inspection tour of the aforementioned irrigation project in Lokiriama Sub-County, where she assessed its construction progress.

CCO Tioko commended the project’s execution, highlighting the need to bring additional areas under irrigation to enhance food production.

She added that the completion of the project would play a crucial role in bridging the county’s food deficit.

CCO Tioko also assured farmers of the County Government’s support in implementing the irrigation project.

“We expect more farmers to venture into farming, and we rely on the local committee to keep the project operational by covering maintenance costs,” she said.

She further reiterated the County Government’s commitment to ensuring that farmers adopt good farming practices, adding that agri-preneurs and extension officers will be posted in all wards across the county.

“Plans are underway to deploy seven agri-preneur officers in each ward to guide local farmers on best agricultural practices, pest management, and irrigation techniques. By enhancing the capacity of farmers, we aim to boost food production and spur economic growth,” CCO Tioko said.

The project covers an area of five acres, with the overall construction including the drilling and equipping of a borehole, installation of four storage tanks, fencing, pipework, and driplines.

Once completed, the project will benefit approximately 72 households through the production of high-value crops such as spinach, kale, coriander, and sweet melon.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024