Loreng – 27th August, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

Residents of Loreng, in Turkana South Sub-county, say that the integrated nutrition outreaches have improved their health status as they have been saved the 15-kilometre journey to the nearest health facility.

The UNICEF Kenya supported, through by Kenya Red Cross Society, outreach is linked to the Lochwaangikamatak dispensary which is the above-mentioned nearest health facility with a catchment population of 7,994.

The outreach, one of six supported by the international development partner, began in 2022 as an emergency intervention during the prolonged drought.

At the time, the Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate for the sub-county was 32.7% according to the 2023 SMART survey. This is above the World Health Organisation threshold of 15%.

Esther Ekuwam, a 30-year old mother of three, was able to have access to ante-natal care services when she was expecting her youngest child.

“If it was not for the outreach, I would have to walk to Lochwaa which takes all morning to around 2 PM,” she said.

She admits that should not have managed to make any of the ANC visits. At the outreach, she was to get her supplements, immunize her son and have his growth monitored.

Emmuria Kalomo, the 32-year old resident of Loreng, had accompanied his wife, brother and father to the outreach as they were exhibiting malaria symptoms.

“The outreach has saved me fuel,” said the motor-bike owner, “before the outreach sick people would have travel to Lochwaa but only one was very sick.”

In a joint support supervision at the outreach site, Chief Officer for Preventative and Promotive Cathra Abdi and accompanied by Head of Family Health Gabriel Lopodo urged the women to go for their ANC visits as well as ensure that their children have been immunised.

“Welcome the community health promoters in your homesteads, do not chase them away

She also advised the men to change their health seeking behaviour as they were illnesses that would affect them specifically.

Due to partner support, escalated number of outreaches and short rains, the GAM rate in Turkana South has decreased to 23.7% as indicated in the 2024 SMART survey.

After the health talk on malaria from one of the community health assistant, Ekumwa headed to the immunisation station for her son’s final vaccine. However, she was months too early as explained by the nurse.

Sub-county Health Management team and other partner representatives from UNICEF Kenya and Kenya Red Cross Society were present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024