To accurately assess the needs and demographics of the disabled people in the County, National Council, and TUPADO have joined hands to collect data for planning and decision-making.

The collaboration is a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and accessible community for people with disabilities.

By collecting accurate data, the organizations hope to better understand the challenges faced by the disabled people and develop targeted solutions to address their needs.

Chief Officer for Administration and Disaster Management David Maraka welcomed the move, emphasizing the importance of acquiring accurate data to inform and improve planning.

He urged the implementing organization to cooperate with field administrators to ensure the data collected is comprehensive and reliable.

“We are committed to ensuring that the needs of the disabled population are accurately assessed and addressed in our planning processes. By working together with Tupado and the National Council, we can gather the necessary data to make informed decisions and improve the lives of those with disabilities in our county,” said Chief Maraka.

In a recent statement, the Chief Maraka emphasized the importance of including disabled individuals in all community plans. “The disabled are an integral part of our communities and must be considered in all decision-making processes,” the CCO stated.

On the other hand, the head of Programs for Tupado Mr.David Kangole said that the mapping programme initiated by Tupado is set to begin soon in September 2024, with the aim of bringing together field administrators from both national and local government to participate in the exercise.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration and coordination among all stakeholders to ensure the success of the mapping exercise.

This comprehensive approach is expected to provide valuable insights and data that will help improve decision-making and resource allocation in the region” Kangole said.

Benson Ebei, (Director National council for people with disability), Lucas Lokusi (chairperson National council for people with disability Turkana county), Simon Lokutan (Deputy Director,Public participation), Shadrach Lolelea Assistant Director, administration) and Daniel Lobuin (Deputy Director Admimistration) were present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024