To resolve rising tensions between the Ngikamatak of Lokiriama and Ngiwoyokwara sub –
‎ tribe of Turkana-west, and the Jie community in Uganda, leaders convened to broker peace and prevent further conflict. 

‎The tensions, stemming from claims of betrayal and the loss of 265 cattle to Ugandan authorities, were addressed through traditional compensation mechanisms.

‎Following negotiations, an agreement was reached to hand over 100 cows as ex gratia compensation, paving the way for peaceful coexistence. 

‎According to Titus Lokorikeju, Director of Peace and head of the government delegation, the adoption of traditional compensation was widely encouraged and supported by elders from both sides.

‎”The elders resolved to increase the number of cows set aside for compensation from the initial 78 to 100,” he stated. 

‎Lokorikeju explained that the compensation claim originated from the Ngiwoyakwara sub-tribes in Turkana West after Ugandan authorities, through the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), confiscated 265 cattles following a raid by the community on their Jie neighbors. 

‎One of the key resolutions of the meeting was the management of the 78 cows already contributed for compensation.

“For the safety of the 78 cows, it was proposed that they remain under the care of Lotisan LC3 Robert Adupa of Uganda. The Kenyan side will be responsible for related costs, including payment of herders and routine veterinary care,” Lomalimoe

‎Renowned peace ambassadors, including former Cabinet Secretary John Munyes and Hon. Immanuel Imana, played a crucial role in facilitating the dialogue and reaching a traditional compensation agreement. 

‎Munyes urged elders to work closely with authorities and continue embracing dialogue.

Director Lokorikeju acknowledged the critical role of peace actors in advancing traditional compensation mechanisms.

‎He commended the support of the Peace Actors Forum and the intervention of the Agency for Cross-Border Pastoralists Development (APaD), an implementing partner of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and SAPCONE for their efforts in facilitating the peace process. 

‎The leaders expressed optimism that sustained dialogue and collaborative peace initiatives would foster long-term stability along the Lokipoto-Urum-Moroto corridor.
‎National Government security representative who attended and addressed the intercommunity peace dialogue include:Anthony Mwangi -DCC for Lokiriama, Stanley Bor (Inspector Border Patrol Unit, Urum), Patrick Kitili-ACC for Urum , Sammy Losuban (Chair person Chiefs forum and LC3 ) Stephen Lotesiro (Chief Urum location) were also present.

‎County officials present were, Losinyono Benjamin (Deputy Director for peace), John Lobeyo Loregae, Rodgers Emuria , Lomongin Geoffrey (County Ass. Director for peace)Joshua Eregae (PBO- greater-South). Geoffrey Apedor, Lokiriama sub county were present.

‎”If we do not give dialogue a chance, the growing spirit of suspicion will harm relations between the Ngiwoyakwara and Ngikamatak clans,” he warned. “What happened has happened, but we must broker peace to move forward.” 

‎He also emphasized that the government’s presence in the peace process should not be taken for granted, urging all parties to respect the dialogue and uphold the resolutions. 

‎Hon. Imana cautioned against the misuse of clan divisions to fuel animosity among the Turkana.

‎”When you are divided along clan lines, you risk losing access to grazing opportunities in Uganda, despite existing pasture-sharing agreements. Unity is essential to enjoy the benefits of peaceful coexistence with the Jie community,” he stated. 

‎The meeting also benefited from the guidance of area Members of the County Assembly (MCAs), Hon. Lawrence Lopayo (Lokiriama/Lorengkippi) and Hon. Francis Ngimusia (Letea), who pledged to rally their cland in support of peace efforts. 

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024