Lokichar, 26th March 2025 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

After three days of intensive governance training, the Turkana Urban Water and Sanitation Company (TUWASCO) and Turkana Rural Water and Sanitation Company (TURWASCO) have successfully developed a draft performance contract (PC) document.

The document will be presented to the CECM for water service for review, adoption, after which, the boards will sign the PC.

The initiative, supported by KOICA- UNICEF, Kenya Rapid+ program implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), was facilitated by the Kenya School of Government.

Performance Contract is a legal requirement under the Turkana County Water Act of 2019 and a key tool for measuring output against set targets.

The Act mandates that the agreement between the Board and the CECM be signed before the start of the financial year to ensure accountability and efficiency in service delivery.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the exercise, Chief Officer for Water Services, Simon Ekai Etom, lauded the boards for completing the crucial governance document, noting that it would provide a structured approach to managing water resources.

“Governance has been the missing link in ensuring effective service delivery. With this contract in place, the boards now have a clear roadmap for stewarding the significant investments in the water sector and ensuring sustainable water access for communities,” said Etom.

He emphasized the need for the boards to fully understand and implement the performance contract, particularly in improving management efficiency.

“Some boreholes in Turkana have yields comparable to the best in the country, yet they remain underutilized due to weak governance structures. I hope that with the establishment of these boards and the completion of the performance contract, we will see positive change,” he added.

The chairperson of TUWASCO, Philip Aemun Ebei, emphasized that the participatory approach in developing the contract ensured that the boards’ priorities were well captured and that teamwork was essential for success.

“Being actively involved in the performance contract drafting process allowed us to align our priorities with the expectations of stakeholders. We have also highlighted the importance of working as a team to drive change,” said Ebei.

He added that one of the key areas of focus in the contract was securing a valid license of operation from the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB), which he noted would open new doors and opportunities for the utility companies.

On his part, Paul Merinyang, chairperson of TURWASCO, highlighted the significance of metering and expanding water coverage in rural areas as critical factors for growth.

“For rural communities, increasing metering and expanding our service areas are essential steps in improving water access and ensuring sustainable operations. The performance contract provides a framework to achieve this,” said Merinyang.

Chief Officer Etom also urged the boards to brace for financial constraints, noting that county funding for water utilities was declining and might soon become non-existent.

“The performance contract you have developed strengthens revenue generation and waste reduction to maximize efficiency.

Moving forward, the utilities must find ways to be more independent and self-sustaining,” he said.

Management staff of the two water supply utilities also participated in the exercise alongside staff of the water department led by Director for Water Services Paul Lotum and Director for Administration Patrick Imana.

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