The incoming Chief Officer for Water Services, David Maraka has promised to prioritize service delivery during his time at the Department.
Speaking today when he assumed office, Chief Maraka
described the water sector as a service department that required sacrifice and flexibility.
He said was ready for the task.
This follows a recent reshuffle that saw him transferred from Energy, Petroleum, and Mineral Resources to Water Services.
The immediate former Chief Officer for Water Services, Simon Etom heads Tourism, Culture, and Heritage in a similar capacity.
Maraka divulged that his first day in office will involve meeting section heads and later general staff in a deliberate move keen to understanding the strength and challenges of every member of staff in building an existing force to produce expected results.
He appreciated the work done by his predecessor and said would continuously consult him for a smooth transition.
The outgoing Chief Officer Etom handed over a report detailing 30 successful borehole projects for FY’2022/2023.
The Water CECM Faith Aletea, who witnessed the handover, promised to support and work closely with the new Chief Officer to deliver the Governor’s transformative agenda on water access for all.
She listed water optimal staffing, the development of a water sector database, and the establishment of a partner coordination forum as part of the work full in the tray awaiting the incoming Chief Officer.
Paul Lotum (Director of Water Services), Patrick Imana (Director Administration), Tito Ochieng (Water Engineer), Dalmas Ekiru (M&E), Aremon George (Assistant Director of Water Services), Benedict Ekeru, Vinson Ekai, Henry Eipa (Sun County Water Officers), Job Nawose (Finance) and Martin Ekai (Human Resource) witnessed the brief ceremony.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024