The County Health Officials have started a five-day report writing session that will lead to the establishment of a Primary Care Network (PCN) in the Kibish Sub-county.
This follows a Primary Healthcare (PHC) baseline assessment conducted, in conjunction with Amref Africa in Kenya last week, in the sub-county; targeting the 17 health facilities, 22 community health units, and 85 client-exit surveys.
In collaboration with USAID Imarisha Jamii, Amref Africa in Kenya, and UNFPA, the Department of Health and Sanitation, has already mapped out PCNs in Lokiriama, Loima, Turkana Central, and Turkana North sub-counties.
On the same mapping plan, Turkana West and Turkana South Sub-counties, PCNs, will be mapped and established.
The networks, a concept developed by the National Government, are means through which Universal Health Coverage (UHC) will be achieved.
In his opening remarks, Deputy Director for Family Health and County PHC coordinator, Lopodo Ekal pointed out that UHC Policy (2020-2030 ) is aimed to ensure all Kenyans get access to and receive quality health services in both public and private health facilities, without struggling for financial support.
The Policy focuses on preventive and promotive health at the household level through the revitalization of primary healthcare.
“Primary healthcare ensures the various life cohorts and special groups such as pastoralists are reached through context-specific and innovative healthcare approaches,” he said.
A representative from the National Ministry of Health’s Division of Primary Healthcare Services, Fred Oroko said the attainment of UHC is in line with Kenya Vision 2030.
He further added that UHC was part of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda that ensures the realignment of existing structures to offer robust and comprehensive healthcare services, that are responsive to Kenyan needs.
The Kibish Sub-county Health Management Team, county health workers, and Anthony Arasio, Amref Africa in Kenya representative, and his team were present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024