In a deliberate move keen to strengthen Lodwar and Kakuma Municipalities, the County Government is set to partner with VNG, to facilitate knowledge sharing and advocate for the interests of municipalities for them to provide quality services to the residents in those towns.
VNG as an association of Dutch Municipalities, has a lot of focus particularly in Turkana and Marsabit Counties. The main interest is in building local governance, water and sanitation, local migration and revenue collection.
The programme is funded by the EU, World Bank and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Deputy Governor Dr John Erus said Turkana County is interested in how Lodwar and Kakuma Municipalities are to be supported to do investments that will help generate revenue for the County.
“With effective policies in place and proper coordination plans, the two municipalities are set to grow economically to deliver better services to the people. Much emphasis is on Kakuma Municipality, owing to its growing opportunities as a result of the urbanisation, that involves the host and refugee community.” DG said.
He appealed for the exchange visits necessary for learning and sharing best practices with well-established municipalities in the Country.
Dr Erus stressed that to streamline the operations of the VNG in Turkana, there is a need to develop a MoU with the County Government.
The Programme Manager for VNG, Gloria Kidakwa said that the programme will need the stakeholders to identify key strategic policies together with priority projects to be considered before the launch.
Kidakwa stated, ”VNG will be instrumental in supporting the County Government to strengthen the municipal policies and activities in the delivery of essential services to the community.”
Further, she said the organisation will prioritise carrying out public participation, before the launch of the programme.
Those present during the meeting were; Joseph Nyang’a, Deputy County Secretary, Ruth Emanikor, County Solicitor, Tukei Benjamin, Manager of Lodwar Municipality and Rodney Eyanae, Director of Revenue.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024