Genuine commitment from the leadership of the Ateker communities is essential towards achieving harmony and development of the region, Governor Lomorukai has said.
Speaking today in Nairobi during the Ateker Development Conference, Governor Lomorukai stated that leaders needed to be on the lookout for transformative ideas, knowledge, programs, and networks that will help change the state of Ateker communities.
“The leadership of Ateker starting from the political leaders, professionals, women, and youth should be the change agents for the cross-border, social-economic transformation that we seek to achieve in the region,” he said
Referring to the Turkana Tourism and Cultural Festival that has enabled cross-border interaction, Governor Lomorukai said Ateker leaders can leverage shared ancestry and unique culture to enhance cultural diplomacy, peaceful co-existence, regional trade, tourism, and regional integration within East Africa.
He asked participants to engage their respective governments as well as development partners to mobilize enough resources to promote social and economic transformation of the communities.
“Our Ateker communities occupy very strategic areas along the boundaries of the 4 countries. With investments in infrastructure and opening up the region through roads, rail, air, and telecommunications, the region can be a hub for commerce, trade, transport, and logistics for the benefit of our people” said the Governor.
The conference whose theme was ‘Harnessing unity of Ateker for Sustainable Development’ brought together delegates from Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, and representatives from the Diaspora.
Uganda’s State Minister for Mineral Development, Dr. Peter Lokeris, emphasized the importance of a unified effort to harness underutilized opportunities in trade, pasture, water, and other resources within the Ateker cluster.
He expressed disdain for cattle rustling, attributing it to impeding the development progress of communities in the region.
Turkana East MP Ng’ikor challenged professionals to provide solutions facing Ateker communities while Busia Senator Okiya Omutata noted that inter-Ateker hostilities have been the greatest impediment to the region’s development.
Advisor to the President, South Omo Region, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Lore Kaakuta echoed calls for Unity and collaboration among Ateker. He emphasized the need to prioritize peace as it will provide an enabling environment for addressing numerous challenges facing the region.
Senior County Government officials in attendance were County Secretary Peter Eripete and County Executives David Erukudi (Trade), Elizabeth Loote (Tourism), Leah Audan (Education), Peter Akono (Lands) and James Wangiros (Public Service )
Also present were County Attorney Erastus Ethekon, Chief of Staff Peter Yoromoe, and Legal Advisor to Governor Ekiru Tulele.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024