Katilu, 9th April 2024 (Governor’s Press Service) – Over 133 households in Kanaodon, Katilu Ward have today benefited from County Government’s restocking exercise that targeted drought-affected families.

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai led the restocking exercise where each affected household got five goats each. In his remarks, Governor Lomorukai said that pastoralists in Turkana had lost approximately 364,000 livestock during the drought season and the County Government had kicked off interventions to rebuild livelihoods of households that had been affected.

“As the County Government, we have allocated resources to restore livelihoods for the affected households through the restocking programme.We are not only doing it here, but also next week we will be in Kalemng’orok and Kaputir.”

Governor Lomorukai acknowledged insecurity challenge which is associated with livestock theft in Katilu and Lobei Kotaruk and warned leaders fueling the conflict for political mileage.

He said: “I want to ask all of you to live peacefully and avoid leaders that are fueling conflict in this belt. I want to assure you that the days for such leaders are numbered.”

The County boss enumerated  his administration’s track record, and assured wananchi that he was steadfast and wouldn’t allow pilferage of County Government resources, a factor that he said had led to disagreement with a section of leaders in Turkana. He promised to repay the faith residents had shown in him during the election and outlined his focus on restoring the riverine as a food basket, through farm infrastructure development.

Governor Lomorukai urged MCAs to increase budgetary allocation for similar restocking programmes to ensure that affected households in future get more goats during restocking initiatives.

Area MCA Samal Etubon thanked the County Government for the restocking, noting that it will improve livestock productivity and called for arrest of those fueling conflicts in Turkana South.

Other speakers led by Minority Leader Samuel Lomodo lauded the restocking exercise and pledged to support Governor Lomorukai’s development agenda at the County Assembly.

Senior County Government officials who accompanied the Governor included Deputy County secretary Joseph Nyang’a, County Executives Antony Apalia (Livestock) and Patrick Losike (Infrastructure) as well as Chief Officers Janerose Tioko (Agriculture) and Evans Lomodei (Fisheries).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024