Natiir 1, April 24, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

At least 500 households in Kakuma, Lopur, Kalobeyei, Songot and Nanam in Turkana West have received 3,000 enhanced indigenous a month-old chicks and five metric tons of chicken starter feeds from the County Government in partnership with Welthungerhilfe (WHH).

The five Wards received the chicks as part of the WHH’s project intention to Increase Food Security of Vulnerable Households Affected by The Food Price Crisis’

The program, according to the County Executive for Agriculture, Livestock Production and Fisheries, Dr Anthony Apalia, is a fulfillment of the Governor’s agenda on food security through strategic partnerships.

“Through collaboration, we distributed chicks to 11 sites of the Sub- County, which is significant in generating income and improving nutrition of the beneficiaries” he stated.

The CECM further urged Natiir 1 residents to venture into poultry farming as an alternative livelihood to increase productivity through chicken and eggs for sustainability, and income generation.

“The Department of Livestock Production is planning to invest in pasture production to improve household food security in the county by ensuring livestock have adequate feeds.” He added.

To ensure maximum production, Chief Officer for Livestock Development Dr Ezekiel Etelej assured the residents that the Department will designate an extension officer to equip the breeders with skills in breeding, feeding and vaccinating the chicks while urging them to breed more chicken for sustainability.

WHH Project Coordinator Phillip Ewoton noted that the project aims at increasing food production and income for households hence, the need for more support to women in chicken breeding.

This, he said, will realize the potential of their activity in improving food security through the profitable Indigenous chicken value chain and nutrition.

The improved indigenous month-old chicks and starter feeds have been distributed in Natiir 1 (Kakuma Ward), Nagis, Nalamacha and Napopongoit (Nanam Ward), Ngolonyang’ and Nakulumei (Songot Ward), Lonyuduk, Nawotom, Natira (Kalobeyei Ward), and Lobanga and Namon (Lopur Ward).

The value chain of Indigenous chicken will contribute significantly to the socio-economic development and nutritional requirements of rural and peri-urban households in Turkana County.

Director Livestock Production Bobby Ewoi, Deputy Director Livestock Production Josephine Emase, Deputy Director Veterinary Services Dr Erenious Nakadio, Turkana West Livestock Production Officer Atana Ekuwom, Kakuma Ward Administrator Andrew Ngikoi, County Livestock, Veterinary Officers and WHH team were present at the launch.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024