Lodwar, 13 May 2024


Trainers of technical and vocational institutions in Turkana have completed a ten-day training in Competency-Based Education Training (CBET) aimed at facilitating the transition to a new curriculum focused on competency acquisition.


The training, conducted by staff from the Kenya School of TVET (KsTVET), benefitted 37 trainers from the county’s seven vocational training institutions.


Speaking at the closing ceremony, Chief Officer for Vocational Education and Training, Leah Losuru, acknowledged the support of Colleges and Institutes in Canada (CICAN) for sponsoring the training, which has elevated Turkana’s vocational trainers to fully compliant CBET service providers.


Chief Officer Losuru reaffirmed the County Government’s commitment to implementing CBET-based training as directed by the State Department of Education. She urged the trainers to utilize their newly acquired skills to benefit learners under their care through effective teaching and assessment.


The lead facilitator, Dr. Florence Mbiti, emphasized that Turkana’s vocational trainers were not fully compliant with the regulations for offering Ministry of Education-approved programs leading to Artisan and Craft certification.


Director for Vocational Education, Stephen Eregae, said that the directorate would monitor to ensure the effective implementation of the acquired skills throughout the training programs.



Director Eregae further disclosed that the new center managers had been tasked with coordinating the shift to CBET-based training to submit reports to the director’s office for notification to County and National Government authorities.


In addition to meeting the State Department of Education’s requirements, the training opened the opportunities for Turkana’s vocational institutions to serve as training grounds for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) programs.


Besides, the vocational trainers have acquired the qualification required to serve as assessor and examiners of vocational trainees pursuing industrial attachments and internships.


Turkana’s vocational training institutions in Lodwar, Lokichar, Lokichoggio, Lokori, Kataboi, Lorgum, and Kaaleng-Kaikor cater to approximately 5500 trainees pursuing various disciplines. The recent launch of the “Form Ni TVET” campaign aims to boost enrollment in these institutions, further contributing to skill development in the county.


The retooling of trainers aligns with the county’s renewed focus on equipping its youthful population with both academic and employability skills through a county bursary and scholarship fund worth Ksh 542 million, which vocational course trainees are eligible to apply for.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024