To mitigate the devastating effects of recurring flash floods, the Turkana County Government has established a multi-sectoral team to address the ongoing flood challenges.

According to James Wangiros, County Executive for Public Service, Administration, and Disaster Management, and chair of the multi-sectoral team, the team is developing a comprehensive strategy to manage the effects of the current floods.

“Part of the strategy involves coordination between partners and government sectors, strengthening community engagements, and enhancing the resilience of the people to future floods,” stated CEC Wangiros.

A significant focus for the team, he said, will be improving water drainage systems which would include; clearing blocked drainage, repairing damaged culverts, and implementing sustainable drainage solutions as means to essential preparations for future disasters.

The meeting also resolved to continue providing adequate relief food and non-food items (NFIs) to the flood victims in a timely manner to prevent further suffering.

The County Executive further warned people against living floods prone areas and advised them to relocate to higher and safer grounds.

CECM Wangiros reassured the team that the government is well-prepared to handle such disasters and has already provided necessary support to those affected earlier.

The County Executive for Water Services, Patrick Losike, stated that efforts are underway to fix borehole 9 in a bid to resume normal water supply in Kanamkemer. He also assured the residents of Lodwar Municipality that the Water Department is well-prepared to ensure a consistent water supply despite the ongoing challenges.

The CECM for Lands, Peter Akono, appreciated his colleague for developing a comprehensive strategic plan to address future disasters. Additionally, he emphasized the need to set aside land for displaced victims.

Akono called on sector players for seamless coordinated efforts to effectively address and prevent the damaging effects of disasters.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024