Lodwar, May 30, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The Deputy Governor hosted Save the Children delegation led by global CEO Inger Ashing, on a courtesy call to the County.

The purpose of their visit was to gain firsthand information on the Horn of Africa crisis and explore areas of collaboration with the Turkana County Government.

The CEO, Inger Ashing, reiterated the organisation’s focus on children’s needs and the structures that support them, particularly in health and education.

She highlighted climate change as the biggest threat to children’s rights and emphasised the need for inclusion of child friendly interventions in development planning.

The Deputy Governor, Dr. John Erus, spoke about the innovative One Health Strategy aimed at making health initiatives accessible and effective especially to the children and other vulnerable groups.

He stressed the importance of mitigating water challenges and integrating livelihood support to ensure community resilience.

Ashing affirmed Save the Children’s commitment to partnering with local stakeholders to address these challenges and support children’s rights in Kenya.

In a bid to mainstream children’s needs, DG Erus announced that the County was pursuing cooperatives movements as a model for empowering the community and, expanding opportunities for improved integration of children’s welfare concerns and protection laws.

The County Secretary, Peter Eripete, briefed Save the Children on the unique challenges faced by Turkana, which borders three countries emphasising the need for resource-sharing agreements and collaboration with neighbouring regions to support pastoral communities.

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for the Department of Health, Iris Mario, provided an overview of the health sector. He highlighted the ministry’s efforts in providing primary health care and the challenges posed by climate change, which negatively affects health outcomes.

CECM Mariao noted a concerning decline in key health indicators such as maternal health and infant mortality rates, which are currently below global targets. However, he acknowledged the support from Save the Children, particularly in enhancing blood transfusion services, despite the ongoing challenge of health care financing.

CECM for Education, Sports, and Social Protection, Elizabeth Loote, emphasised the importance of collecting data to improve ECDE. She pointed out the gaps in rescue centres and the shortage of teachers.

CECM Loote also mentioned the limited budget for feeding programmes in schools.

The County Solicitor, Ruth Emanikor, highlighted efforts to push legislative documents and also stated the state of ECDE policy being supported and social protection.

The visit underscored the significant impact Save the Children has had in Turkana County and reinforced the importance of continued collaboration to address acute malnutrition, support livelihoods, and mitigate the effects of climate change. Save the Children remains dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children in Turkana and beyond.

Save the Children has been supporting various initiatives in Turkana County, focusing on education, health, advocacy, child protection, and livelihood programmes.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024