Lokipoto, June 23, 2024 (Public communication and Media Relations)

The residents of Lokipoto in Turkana West, have felt a sigh of relief, after a successful drilling of an artesian well by the County Government.

A local resident, Ebei Esekon said, “We express our relief and optimism about the new well. We can finally look forward to a better quality of life than the past years that were full of hopelessness,”

The borehole will directly avail water to more than 200 households in the area and to 50,000 livestock units.

This development comes at a time when the County has rehabilitated and drilled a number of water infrastructure facilities in the entire County, in a bid to address the challenges of water scarcity.

The County Executive for Water Services, Patrick Losike said, “for many years, the community at Lokipoto has struggled with the challenge of water access. The new well will not only provide clean and safe drinking water, but also support sustainable livelihoods.”

According to the CECM, the County is working with partners to develop additional water sources to meet the rising demands for domestic consumptions.

The installation of the well, he elaborated, is part of the Governor’s broader strategy to make water accessible to the residents, as illustrated in his nine-point agenda.

As the community begins to feel the benefit of this new resource, CECM added, efforts to ensure equitable and sustainable access will be replicated in other water-scarce locations.

Lokipoto area lies along the Kenya-Uganda-South Sudan Pastoralist migratory routes. It is expected that the water installation will serve the need of nomadic populations.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024