Lokichar, July 18, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

At least fifteen Farmers Service Centers (FSCs) and local farmers have completed training on integrating entrepreneurship into local farming to enhance income generation in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs).

The FSCs and registered local farmers, drawn from across Turkana County, are expected to play a pivotal role in building the entrepreneurial capacity of local farmers, enhancing their skills and prospects.

The training, spearheaded by KUZA and facilitated by the Mastercard Foundation, was supported by the World Food Program (WFP) as part of an initiative to promote food security and livelihood resilience through Agri-preneurship.

The Director for Agriculture, Aaron Nanok, urged the FSCs to streamline their access to vital information and opportunities through cooperatives and SACCOs.

He noted that engaging in networking and linking markets through advanced technological approaches is crucial for sustainable Agri-preneurial development in the region.

“The inclusion of youth and women in income generation interventions for local agriculture is a pathway to broadening capabilities and opening doors to growth and success,” said Nanok.

Director Nanok reiterated the importance of knowledge-based skills for the local community to enhance their awareness of sustainable income and food security.

A leadership coach from KUZA Academy, Brian Wamukota, highlighted the necessity of entrepreneurship in local and domestic farming to provide alternative income sources.

He advocated for a cross-sectoral approach, encouraging farmers to embrace diverse value chains to boost productivity and profitability.

The FSC Lead, Onesmus Achor, lauded the partnership for broadening their capabilities, paving the way for growth opportunities, and strengthening local agricultural practices.

Achor acknowledged that this initiative will elevate livelihoods through the established food hubs that aim to eradicate poverty.

The training was attended by World Food Program and county administration representatives.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024