Kobuin – 28th July 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The County Government of Turkana and Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) jointly conduct a vaccination drive reaching over 230,000 animals in Loima, Lokichoggio, Turkana North and partly Turkana Central Sub-Counties.

The campaign was part of livestock support program under the Livestock Sector Strengthening (LSS) II Program funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).

The vaccination program benefitted 1,170 pastoralist households with an estimated 9,968 household members in Lapur, Kaaleng/Kaikor, Nakalale, Turkwel, Kalokol, Nanam, and Lokichoggio Wards.

The County Chief Officer for Livestock Development Dr Ezekiel Ekuwam appreciated the support from FCDC and reiterated the Department’s commitment to strategic partnerships and collaborations to achieve the Governor’s agenda on food security.

Deputy Director of Veterinary Services Dr Erenius Nakadio said that the main objective of the intervention was to curb the spread and control of livestock diseases and to boost livestock immunity, thereby enhancing pastoralists livelihood.

“Initially the activity targeted 170,000 livestock for PPR/LSD and deworming, but the target was surpassed by 35.5% reaching 230,355 livestock.” he said.

The FCDC Coordinator for the LSS II Program, Dr Elim Limlim, said that the vaccination campaign had made positive impact on the health of livestock and on the livelihood of the pastoral community.

While appreciating the County Government and FCDC, Kobuin Location Chief Andrew Kolom Lowosa said the program had helped them sustain livestock production and enhance livelihood of the pastoral community in the area.

The Directorate of Veterinary Services will continue to engage community disease reporters with support from veterinary officers to carry out routine check-ups and disease surveillance post-vaccination activity to significantly deliver adequate livestock healthcare in the county.

The livestock were reached for vaccination and treatment were 2,547 cattle vaccinated against Lumpy Skin Disease(LSD), 227,808 sheep and goats vaccinated against Peste des Pestits Ruminants(PPR) and also dewormed, 1,683 animals treated, and 13 dogs vaccinated against rabies.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024