Kalokol – August 11, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The development of Lake Turkana as a key fisheries and blue economy hub has gained momentum with the commencement of operations of a state-of-the-art engine boat.

Powered by a 300-horsepower petrol engine, the boat will be used by the Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS) to enforce regulations against illegal fishing, license fishermen, conduct rescue missions, and perform monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) across Kenya’s territorial waters on Lake Turkana.

These area includes the counties of Turkana, Samburu, and Marsabit, as well as border regions between Kenya and Ethiopia.

A joint team from the County Government, Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS), State Department of Blue Economy and Fisheries and, Beach Management Unit (BMU) representatives embarked on the boat’s first test run on the lake.

“This lake has the potential to generate over Ksh 3 billion annually if properly utilized. With this facility, it will be easier to ensure that lake users fully comply with licensing requirements and use the recommended fishing nets,” stated Joseph Kasuti, the KeFS Assistant Director of the Lake Turkana Regional Office.

Kasuti added that the boat would be crucial in supporting the livelihoods of over 7,000 fishermen who rely directly on the lake for fishing, as well as 250,000 of others whose lives are indirectly supported by it.

“The boat will play a vital role in curbing illegal practices that threaten the sustainable use of the lake,” Kasuti emphasized.

According to Kasuti, the lake has about 4500 fishing vessels used by the fishermen and lake users.

The Chair of the Kalokol Beach Management Unit (BMU), Michael Tepes, noted that the new boat, which complements four others provided by the County and National Government departments, would enhance the safety of fishermen and travelers on the lake due to its capacity to offer rescue services.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024