Lokitaung, – 17 August 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

At least 115 national and county administrators have benefited from leadership, management, and dispute resolution training aimed at enhancing their administrative work within the community.

The two-day training, supported by USAID NAWIRI, equipped administrators from Kibish and Turkana North with practical skills to identify potential sources of conflict. Conflict has been identified as one of the contributing factors to the persistent acute malnutrition in the county.

The training also provided a valuable opportunity for collaboration and learning, ultimately strengthening the capacity of the administration to address conflicts, promote peace in their respective regions, and reduce acute malnutrition.

According to lead trainer Ekunyuk Ingolan, the goal was to build the capacity of administrators and strengthen sub-county leadership to provide proper service delivery, thereby sustainably reducing acute malnutrition among vulnerable groups.

Kibish Sub-county Administrator (SCA), Eleo Ruben, expressed his gratitude for the training, stating that it provided them with the necessary skills to handle conflicts and lead the community toward peace and development.

Turkana North SCA, Brenda Kokoi, also commended the initiative, noting that they are now better prepared to address conflicts and promote unity among the people.

Participants engaged in interactive sessions and role-playing exercises to enhance their leadership skills and conflict resolution techniques.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024