Kalokol – 22nd August, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

Fisher folk drawn from various Beach Management Units (BMUs) in Kalokol Ward have benefitted from life Jackets courtesy of a partnership between the County Government and Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA).

According to the Chief Officer Fisheries and Aquaculture Evans Lomodei, the lifejackets will go towards boosting fishing by enhancing the safety of the fisher folks.

Speaking during the event, CO Lomodei said that enhanced collaboration will steer the food security agenda of the Governor hence the need to work together to boost fish production.

“We appreciate KVDA for the efforts in training 50 BMU members and providing the life jackets even as we look forward to implementing the MoU we signed to collaborate in boosting our fishing community,” he said.

CO Lomodei further called for support in establishing a fishing processor which he said will help transform aquaculture in the region to realize quality production and economic development.

At the same time, he called for support in capacity building and training of county fisheries officers especially in law enforcement and prosecution.

The KVDA Managing Director, Sammy Naporos, reiterated their commitment in supporting the fishing activities along the lake.

“We are setting up an operations office in Kalokol to coordinated our projects aimed at supporting the fishing community in the county,” he said.

He added that other than training and distributing lifejackets to fisher folks, KVDA would also distribute fishing nets to assist them maximize the potential of Lake Turkana.

Naporos also pointed out the need to conduct more trainings and benchmarking to BMU across the lake region which would assist in establishing local BMUs to advanced standards.

“Going forward, we also look to collaborate in other projects in water access and investing in mechanized dryers using advance technology to reduce post harvest losses,” he said.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024