Nasinyono – 30th August,2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

In a strategic move to sustain and expand the 340-acre Nasinyono Integrated Livelihood Project, in Lokichoggio sub-County, the County Government has designated the farm to benefit from the World Bank-funded Financing Locally-Led Climate Change Action (FLOCCA) program.

The farm is one of the 33 projects across Turkana earmarked for upgrade through FLOCCA at a cost of up to Ksh 50 million; Ksh 40 million will be funded by FLOCCA while the Department of Agriculture will contribute Ksh 10 million.

This decision comes less than two months after the project was formally handed over to the County Government by the Johanitter International Assistance (JIA) that played a key role in establishing the project.

During a site visit, Chief Officer for Environment and Climate Change, Joseph Ekalale, announced that a team of experts would be deployed to develop detailed designs for the project’s upgrade.

“The County would collaborate closely with the local project committee and the community to ensure a more inclusive and successful outcome,” said Chief Officer Ekalale.

The Chief Officer for Agriculture and Reclamation – Janerose Tioko, who also visited the site, highlighted the Nasinyono project’s significance as a food production hub serving Lokichoggio, Turkana North, and Turkana West.

She said that the investment, noting that it would transform the project into a climate-smart model, resilient to climate change.

Currently, the project supports more than 750 households and has a history of bountiful maize harvests. Farmers have also diversified into crops such as watermelon, millet, sorghum, and vegetables.

According to reports by the County on FLOCCA, a total of Ksh 316 million will be invested in water, environment and agriculture sectors to mitigate the effects of climate change and promote adaptation and build resilience against climate shocks.

In addition to the 340 acres, the farm has a water treatment plant for defloridation, a water pan with reticulation system, a borehole and distribution pipelines for irrigation.

Present during the assessment exercise included; George Dung (Director for Climate Change) Agricultural Engineers Samuel Oloo and Hillary Saina, Surveyor from Department of Lands, Local Project Committee.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024