Lodwar, 19th December 2024( Public Communications and Media Relations)

Turkana County, in partnership with Network for Adolescents and Youth Action for Africa (NAYA) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Kenya, has conducted a validation exercise for the meaningful youth engagement framework guidelines.

The session was designed to review the plan and ensure it aligns with the county’s development goals while being practical and effective for implementation.

The document, which aims to improve collaboration between youth and decision-makers, will serve as a key guide for strengthening youth participation in decision-making processes. It provides a structured approach to ensure young people are actively involved in shaping policies that directly affect their lives.

While leading the session, Deputy Director of Family Health Gabriel Lopodo emphasized the importance of youth inclusion. “This framework ensures young people actively participate in shaping policies that directly affect them, fostering real collaboration between youth and leaders,” he said.

This follows the development of the framework, which was guided by extensive consultations with youth and other stakeholders to ensure inclusivity and applicability.

The next steps include incorporating the feedback provided during the session, finalizing the document, and rolling out the framework across Turkana County. A monitoring and evaluation process will also be established to assess the framework’s effectiveness in fostering meaningful youth participation.

The exercise brought together representatives from the Department of Youth, Gender, Social Protection, the County Health Management Team (CHMT), Maisha Youth Project, Turkana Colleges and Universities Students Association (TUCUSA), and other key stakeholders. Their insights and feedback will guide the final refinement of the framework.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024