Willyjustus Lopeyok

County Executive Committee Member

Paul Lodunga

Chief Officer-Early Childhood and social protection

Leah Nasuru Losiru

Chief Officer-Sports and Vocational training


To be a county with a national competitive quality education & training with sustainable and equitable socio-cultural and economic empowerment towards the county’s sustainable development


To provide, promote and coordinate quality education, through responsive policies and strategies for sustained and balanced socio-cultural economic development and empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups in the county.

Ministry Strategic Objectives

1.      To provide quality education in early childhood.

2.      To provide quality education in vocational training centres.

3.      To provide economic and social empowerment of the marginalized groups

4.      To provide bursary funds and welfare programs to the needy students.


1.      Early childhood development

2.      Vocational trainings

3.      Social protection

4.      Sports

5.      Administration

1. Department of ECDE


Providing holistic development to children for realization of their full potential in life.


To provide, promote and coordinate quality and integrated services for holistic development of ECDE children.

Overall Objective

To promote access to quality ECDE through implementation of sustainable quality holistic childhood education.

2. Department of Vocational Training

Turkana County has a total of eight (8) vocational training centers managed by the ministry of education, Sports and social protection under the directorate of vocational Education and Training. The centers are in Lokichoggio, Kalokol, Kaaleng, two in Lokichar, Lodwar, Kataboi and Lorugum.

At least one VTC is situated in every sub county with Turkana North and Turkana Central Sub counties having two VTCs each.

The Government has continuously supported each VTC through infrastructural enhancement and provision of learning materials. Further, sixty-six (66) instructors have been posted across the eight VTCs


To be a globally competitive vocational, entrepreneurial and life skills training for youth employability.


To empower the youth with competitive and employable skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them participate in county and national development.

Departments Objectives

1.      Promotion of access, equity and quality and relevant vocational training

2.      Promote integration of information communication and technology in vocational education and training programs

3.      Strengthen strategic partnerships and linkages in vocational education training

4.      Strengthen human and institutional capacity in vocational education and training

3. Department of Sports


Be the Leading in the promotion of sports for all


To mobilize, sensitize and provide direction for Kenyans (Turkana County residents) to participate in sports for recreation, good health, competition and career development, and as an industry.

Mandate of the Directorate

1.      To plan, formulate, review and give direction on sports and recreation matters in the county.       

2.      To mobilize locals to participate in sports as a career through talent search, nurturing and development.

3.      To conduct training and research in sports.

4.      To prepare and facilitate teams to participate in local, Inter county/Regional and national events.

5.      To coordinate inter-Sectoral collaboration programs among stakeholders for sports development.

6.      To market sports as an industry

Departments Objectives

1.      To promote talent development in all sports disciplines.

2.      To provide sports goods and equipment to sports men and women in Turkana County.

3.      To improve and develop sports facilities in the County.

4.      To provide enabling policy and legislative framework.

5.      To improve management systems and strengthen staff competencies.

4. Department of Social Protection


To mobilize, provide, enhance, integrate and coordinate social protection programs that create equal opportunities for children, persons with disability, older persons and minority groups for a holistic growth and development.

Mandate and Role of the Department

1.      To provide and protect vulnerable children, create an environment where they live in dignity and grow to reach their potential

2.      To promote and empower Turkana County persons with disability for effective participation in sustainable socio-economic development.

3.      To promote equal opportunity to marginalized groups for instance ilimanyang ngikebotok.

4.      To promote child rescue centres infrastructural development in the county.

5.      To provide social assistance to special groups (OVCs, Elderly, PWD and ilimanyang group) in the county.

6.      Providing policy and legislative framework and communication systems and database on social protection policies and programs for quality service delivery.